AMS Riverside Schedule 2017

January 17, 2017

Riverside participation at AMS 2017

Monday, January 23

Poster Session: Erin Jones, Eric Maddy, Kevin Garrett, (Krishna) Vattompadam Krishnakumar

“Converging Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation Techniques: A Data Fusion Approach for Near-Real-Time 4D Analyses”. Erin Jones, RTi, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, College Park MD; and E. Maddy, K. Garrett, S.A. Boukabara, B. Johnson, L. Liu, and K. Kumar

Room: 4E (Washington State Convention Center)

Tuesday, January 24

Presentation: Narges Shahroudi

9:30 – 9:45 AM

“Impact Assessment of Geostationary microwave Sounders on NOAA Global NWP System through Global Observational System Simulation Experiment”. Narges Shahroudi, NOAA, College Park MD; and Y. Zhou, I. Moradi, K. Ide, and S.A. Boukabara

Room: 607 (Washington State Convention Center)


Larry Brazil & George Smith Session Co-Chair

10:30 AM-12:00 PM

“Adding value to weather and water forecasts through APIs and web services – Does increased data availability lead to improvements?”

33rd Conference on Environmental Information Processing Technologies

Room: 608 (Washington State Convention Center)

Presentation: Lynn Johnson

11:30 – 11:45 PM

“Distributed Hydrological Modeling for NWS Flash Flood Operations”. Lynn E. Johnson, CIRA/Colorado State, Boulder, CO; and J. Halgren, R. Cifelli, T. Coleman, J. Labadie, and G. H. Park

Room: 608 (Washington State Convention Center)


Presentation: George Smith, Brian Ashe, Larry Brazil, Ward Seguin

11:45 – 12:00 PM

“Integrating Drone Images and Videos to Increase the Value of Observed Data and Model Forecasts for Flooding Events”. George Smith, Riverside Technology, Inc., Fort Collins, CO; and B. AsheL. E. Brazil, and W. Seguin

Room: 608 (Washington State Convention Center)

Brian Mischel Session Co-Chair

1:30 – 2:30 PM

“Considerations and Best Practices for the Transition of Research to Operations”

7th Conference on the Transition of Research to Operations. Session – with Stephen Mango, NOAA/NESDIS/OPPA

Room: 612 (Washington State Convention Center)

Presentation: Mark LaJoie

2:00 – 2:15 PM

“Support to the Satellite Needs Working Group”. Robert Reining, NOAA/NESDIS/TPIO, Silver Spring, MD; and M. LaJoie, V. Ries, J. D. Taylor, and M. Yuen-Murphy

Room: 620 (Washington State Convention Center)


Presentation: Kevin Garrett, Eric Maddy, Erin Jones, (Krishna) Vattompadam Krishnakumar

2:15 – 3:00 PM

“Data Fusion of Environmental Data Based on Converging Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation Techniques”. Kevin Garrett, RTi, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, College Park, MD; and E. Maddy, S.A. Boukabara, E. Jones, B. Johnson, L. Liu, and K. Kumar

Room: Location TBD


Brian Mischel Session Co-Chair

4:00 – 5:30 PM

“Earth Science Product, Model and Algorithm Improvements for Weather, Water, Climate Transitions of Research to Operations”

7th Conference on the Transition of Research to Operations. Session –with Eric Fetzer, NASA/JPL

Room: 612 (Washington State Convention Center)

Poster Session: Narges Shahroudi

“Observational System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) for Assessing Impact of Micro-sized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite (MicroMAS) on NOAA Global NWP System”. Narges Shahroudi, NOAA, College Park, MD; and Y. Zhou, T. Zhu, K. Ide, and S.A. Boukabara

Room: 4E (Washington State Convention Center)

Wednesday, January 25

Presentation: Aaron Pratt

9:45 – 10:00 AM

“Update to NOAA’s Observing System Architecture Assessment Capabilities”. Aaron Pratt, Riverside Technology inc., Silver Spring, MD; and D. Helms, L. Cantrell Jr., R. Reining, and V. Ries

Room: 310 (Washington State Convention Center)


Brian Mischel Session Co-Chair

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

“Advances in Satellite Observations for Earth Science & Observing Technologies: Part I”

7th Conference on the Transition of Research to Operations. Session –with Robert Bauer, NASA/ESTO

Room: 3AB (Washington State Convention Center)

Presentation: Andrew Eichmann, (Krishna) Vattompadam Krishnakumar

1:45 – 2:00 PM

“Global forecast Dropout Prediction Tool (GFDPT) Project: Status and Preliminary Results”. Andrew Eichmann, NOAA/NESDIS, College Park, MD; and V.K. Kumar, J.C. Alpert, and S.A. Boukabara

Room: Yakima 2 (Washington State Convention Center)


Poster Session: Biljana Orescanin

“Land Surface Emissivity in the GSI: Evaluation of the First Guess and Control Variable”. Biljana Orescanin, RTi, College Park, MD; and A. Collard, B. Johnson, T. Auligne, and J.C. Derber

Room: 4E (Washington State Convention Center)

Thursday, January 26

Thanh Vo Dinh Session Co-Chair

1:30 – 3:00 PM

“Capabilities Enabling the Transition of Research to Operations: Part III”

7th Conference on the Transition of Research to Operations. Session –with Eric Miller, NOAA/NESDIS/OPPA/TPIO

Room: 401 (Washington State Convention Center)