Sean has been a Product Manager at Riverside for a year and a half. His current duties are to guide the development of a sustainable and profitable product based on flood inundation mapping technology. He does things like market research, define functionality, document requirements and use cases, contribute to user interface design and generally work closely with engineering, marketing and development. When not at work, he plays music, hikes, camps, fly fishes, work in the yard and hangs out with his family.
Sean McFeely Fly-fishing on the Cache La Poudre River in Colorado
What three traits describe you?
Patient, persistent, creative.
What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?
In sixth grade, I walked the stadium stairs and sold Cokes at Colorado University home football games (Cokes here!).
What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?
I would be a musician. I play guitar at establishments around Fort Collins.
What kind of music do you listen to?
I’ll listen to anything that is creative and dynamic, but I mostly listen to indie, alternative and progressive rock music. I like to turn on KCSU and take my chances.
Tell us about your most unique travel experience.
I lived in England for a year when I was in junior high and I travelled to the former Soviet Union with a friend and his family for two weeks. It was very strange. We were required to stay in a designated hotel for western tourists. My friend and I stood outside the hotel on the street and ‘illegally’ traded western items like jeans and tapes for soviet trinkets and flags, just for fun. At one point, we saw two police officers on the sidewalk walking towards us with rifles strapped to their shoulders, but they just ignored the obvious activity and walked on by.
What’s on or in your nightstand?
Guitar picks, topo maps, books, pocket knives.
Name a food item you wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole.
Miracle Whip.
What movie could you watch over and over? Why?
‘8 ½’. It just has so many interesting layers: the story, the acting, the actors, the music, the cinematography; it is honest, original, light hearted, mysterious, deep, very personal and highly relatable. I could go on. It is a classic.
If you could choose one amenity to add to the workplace, what would it be?
A Chef.