GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)

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Contract Number: 47QRAA23D00A7

Date Awarded:
September 2023


Riverside’s Multiple Award Schedule Contract has the following available SINs:

541370GEO, Earth Observations Solutions, which provides geospatial earth observation technologies, products, and services to include, but not limited to ground, satellite and aerial based sensor data and imagery; worldwide digital transmission, internet, data, and video services and products through various networks, platforms, and applications.

54151S, Information Technology Professional Services, to include database planning and design; systems analysis, integration, and design; programming, conversion and implementation support; network services, data/records management, and testing.

541715, Engineering Research and Development and Strategic Planning, to include conducting research and experimental development (except nanotechnology and biotechnology research and experimental development) in the physical, engineering and life sciences.

541330ENG, Engineering Services, applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and systems.

541990TAD, Technical/Application Development Support, to include technical or application development support, such as systems integration and application development.

541690, Technical Consulting Services, to include providing advice and assistance on technical domains and issues.

541611, Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services, providing operating advice and assistance on administrative and management issues.