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Coastal and Marine Environments

NOAA boat glides through the water
a pod of dolphins

Leading Coastal Data & Information Stewardship

Riverside specializes in the protection and preservation of coastal and marine environments, prioritizing environmental risks and societal pressures. Through our Coastal Data & Information stewardship program, we align with NOAA’s mission to maintain and protect marine wildlife while supporting the fishing industry and coastal communities. Our team provides scientific, technical, and program management expertise to ensure the sustainability of these vital ecosystems. By partnering with NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), we contribute to the analysis and assessment of fishery data, aiding in the modeling and evaluation of the health of the nation’s fishery stocks. Through integrated ecosystem assessments, we offer comprehensive data analysis across various dimensions, including marine fisheries, riverine and watershed hydraulics, socioeconomics, oceanography, and climatic observations.

Collaborative Support for NOAA's Mission

In close collaboration with NOAA, Riverside offers subject matter experts, scientists, and scientific analysts to support various initiatives, including onboard assistance for NOAA’s Ocean Exploration platforms. We actively contribute to NOAA’s efforts to maintain and protect marine wildlife, particularly in eco-sensitive areas where the fishing industry intersects with other sectors like oil and gas. Our partnership extends to higher-risk zones, where we provide crucial support for assessing and mitigating environmental impacts. Furthermore, our contributions to the ADvanced CIRCulation (ADCIRC) model, developed in conjunction with NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey, enhance predictive capabilities for weather events such as hurricanes along the Eastern and Gulf U.S. coasts. By addressing factors like tides, surges, waves, and river inflow, we bolster operational storm surge guidance, aiding in disaster preparedness and response.

a science boat floats amongst ice flows

Shaping the Future of Marine Conservation

Riverside’s commitment to environmental stewardship extends beyond immediate challenges to encompass long-term sustainability. Our work with NOAA’s NMFS supports cutting-edge research and analysis to advance marine conservation efforts. By integrating data analysis across ecosystem, functional, stakeholder, and management dimensions, we provide comprehensive insights that inform policy decisions and resource management strategies. As climate change intensifies, our contributions become increasingly critical in shaping NOAA’s predictive capabilities and fostering resilience in coastal and marine environments. Together with our partners, we strive to safeguard these precious ecosystems for future generations, balancing the needs of wildlife, industries, and communities alike.

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Coastal and Marine Environments