Riverside Technology hosts Side Panel Discussion at AMS Conference in January

December 14, 2017

Riverside Technology, inc. and Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) will host the Side Panel Discussion: “Unlocking the Value of Satellite Observations for the Public through Cloud-Based Access” on Tuesday January 9, 2018 from 12:15pm-1:15pm. This will take place in room 18CD at the Austin Convention Center and Hilton. The panel features NOAA’s Chief Data Officer and Big Data Project Director, Dr. Ed Kearns as well as experts from the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites-North Carolina (CICS-NC), Amazon Web Services, IBM, Open Commons Consortium, and Digital Globe.  They gather to discuss how NOAA’s satellite resources may be made available to a wider community through cloud-based platforms that focus on maximizing data usability and accessibility.

Panelists will discuss their experiences with GOES-16 and other satellite data on their cloud platforms, how these platforms can be used to support the development and distribution of future satellite products, and their view of the future for the cloud to ensure the maximum extraction of value for NOAA’s data users. Q&A will seek user feedback on cloud data access, the NOAA BDP activity, and the suitability of the cloud for development and distribution of new information products. A limited number of boxed lunches will be provided by Riverside and AER.