U.S. Drought Portal Enhancements Bring More Data and More Views into Drought Conditions from Local to National Scales

May 3, 2021

Riverside Team personnel supporting our Science and Data Stewardship (SDS) task order under NOAA NESDIS made key contributions in the recent significant upgrades to the U.S. Drought Portal (drought.gov) website. Rocky Bilotta and Lauren Cater, with SDS teammate iSciences, John Frimmel of Riverside, and Dustin Shackley with SDS teammate KBR streamlined the site to allow users to access more information than ever before. This includes the convenient ability to view information on a sector, county, or local basis. The work has been applauded by NCEI’s partners across NOAA and beyond, and is an important accomplishment for NCEI and NESDIS. This successful result is the culmination of a sustained public/private effort with contributions of NCEI’s Federal, contractor, and affiliate staff.

Riverside takes pride in the partnership and collaboration that led to the successful completion of this effort.